Grading Scale
Grade reports will be available online 7 days following the end of each grading period and 10 days after the semester ends. Parents are encouraged to go online during the grading period to check student progress.
Pre-Kindergarten Academic progress for Letters, Vocabulary, Phonological Awareness, and Mathematics are measured as follows:
Emerging Understanding - The student is beginning to develop an understanding in the concept area and is working towards reaching the Pre-Kindergarten End-of-Year Outcome.
Satisfactory Understanding - The student has developed a strong understanding in the concept area and is expected to reach the Pre-Kindergarten End-of-Year Outcome.
Social-Emotional and Writing progress is measured using a 1-5 point scale. One being seldom and five being often.
Kindergarten student progress is reported on a four-point scale as follows:
E – Excellent
S – Satisfactory
N – Needs Improvement
U – Unsatisfactory – represents the equivalent of a failing grade
Grades 1-12
In grades 1-12, grades are based on students’ performance in the taught curriculum. When letter grades are used, the following conversion table shall be in effect.

Actual student numerical grades are recorded in the grade book, and grading period averages are determined by averaging the grades in the grade book. The actual numerical score earned on the semester exam is recorded on the report card. Semester averages are determined by averaging the report card grades.